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Ventilation ducts dressing in “Promat”

Like any fire-resistant construction, the ventilation and smoke extraction ducts must now have a performance in accordance with the EN 13501-3 (ventilation ducts) and EN 13501-4 (smoke exhaust ducts) classification standards. The first difference compared to the old approach according to NBN S21-207 is the technical and normative distinction that is made with regards to the requirements of the destination of the ducts for ventilation and / or for smoke extraction. For ventilation ducts and multi-compartment smoke evacuation ducts (indicated in the “Multi” classification) undergoing a fully developed fire (ISO 834 curve), two EN 1366-1 fire-testing procedures (ventilation) and EN 1366-8 (multi-compartment smoke extraction) provide a rating for complete fire resistance performance (EI-S).

Our solutions with the PROMADUCTR-500 system included in this section respect this difference of destination. In addition, they have the advantage of presenting a construction of identical autonomous ducts for ventilation and smoke-extraction in multi-compartment, avoiding execution problems on site and allowing an innovative interchangeability for the execution of mixed or hybrid networks. The new PROMADUCTR-500 system in accordance with European standards and its construction principle remain equivalent to the old system, which allows us to keep our technical history and our long experience of building site.

Autonomous ducts in PROMATECTR-L500 technically meet all safety, environmental and aeraulic criteria including the hygiene and sealing aspects, necessary for air conditioning. Hereafter, you will find all the basic explanations of this new legislative and technical approach, as well as our most sensitive program whose evolution factor will not lose sight of future issues of EN procedures and standards as well as the resolution of practical situations presenting an issue.